Tuesday, February 12, 2013

The Girls' Movie Night!

Helen was still reading Little Women when the doorbell rang. Ring!
"I'm coming!" Helen says.

Helen opened the door.
"Hi, Helen!" It was Dorothy.
"Hi, Dorothy!  Come on in!"

Soon all the girls were inside.
"Hello!" chorused everyone.  Helen took everyone's hats and Beckie's shawl.

Rebecca took off her boots because they were making her feet hot, and soon everyone did the same.

"Come on, girls", Helen said, leading them towards the movie selection.  "What do you want to watch?"

Nicki and Felicity wanted to watch Samantha, but Beckie and Dorothy wanted to watch Chrissa. Helen wanted to let her friends pick, and Elsie couldn't make up her mind.
"Why don't we take a vote?" Helen asked.  Nicki and Felicity voted for Samantha, and Beckie and Dorothy voted for Chrissa.  But, Elsie decided to vote for Chrissa because it had to go back to the library soon, and she wanted to see it.
"Sure, that's a good idea!" Nicki and Felicity agreed.

"Who's your favorite character?" Felicity asked.  Elsie and Helen liked Chrissa best, Nicki and Rebecca liked Gwen best, and Felicity and Dorothy liked Sonali best.  Dorothy liked Starburst, too!  (In case its glaring on the screen, it is the scene where Sonali, Gwen, and Chrissa are making their scarves.)

Soon, the movie night turned into a sleepover.  Everyone get settled!  :)

Good night, sleep tight!

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