Friday, February 15, 2013

Sharing Saturday!

Wow! I actually got some entries! :). Thx so much, girls! It really means a lot to me. And now, on to all of you's amazing photos!

From Marcia:  Addy is posing pretty!  I like the pink background.

Kanani looks ready for a lu'au!  Lovely!

From Abbie: It looks like Kit's been having fun in the snow!  What a cutie!

What a pretty girl!  I especially love her dress.

From Katerina: Kanani is being very beautiful! Really good photo, Katerina! :)

From Mikaela: Julie is taking a walk in the snow!

Saige is posing pretty with Rembrandt!

And last, but definitely NOT least, Josefina is eagerly waiting for Tia Delores to come home! :From Diana

What pretty photos, girls! :). Thank you for sending them in. I hope I get just as many pretty pictures next week! You may also want to check out Marcia's blog: It's really cool!